List of Contractions in English


“Contraction” means a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of a word, syllable, or word group, created by omission of internal letters. You can see many contractions used in English language below.

are notaren’tshe hadshe’d
cannotcan’tshould notshouldn’t
could notcouldn’tthat isthat’s
did notdidn’tthere isthere’s
do notdon’tthey arethey’re
does notdoesn’tthey havethey’ve
had nothadn’tthey willthey’ll
have nothaven’tthey wouldthey’d
he ishe’sthey hadthey’d
he hashe’swas notwasn’t
he willhe’llwe arewe’re
he wouldhe’dwe havewe’ve
here ishere’swe willwe’ll
I amI’mwe wouldwe’d
I haveI’vewe hadwe’d
I willI’IIwere notweren’t
I wouldI’dwhat iswhat’s
I hadI’dwhere iswhere’s
is notisn’twho iswho’s
it isit’swho willwho’ll
it hasit’swill notwon’t
it hasit’swould notwouldn’t
it willit’llyou areyou’re
must notmustn’tyou haveyou’ve
she isshe’syou willyou’ll
she hasshe’syou wouldyou’d
she willshe’llyou hadyou’d
she wouldshe’d

One Response

  1. Ann Fernando October 22, 2017