Contrast Conjunctions and Example Sentences

Contrast Conjunctions and Example Sentences

The opposition or dissimilarityof things that are compared. It shows how one person, place or thing is different from another.

Example Sentences

  • Michael is rich. Alexis, by / in contrast, is poor.
  • While /whereas Michael is rich, Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich while / whereas Alexis is poor.
  • Unlike Michael, who is rich, Alexis is poor.
  • As opposed to Michael. Who is rich, Alexis is poor.
  • In contrast to Michael, who is rich, Alexis is poor.

  • Michael is rich, but Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich; however, Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich. However, Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich. Alexis, however, is poor.
  • Michale is rich; on the other hand, Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich. On the other hand, Alexis is poor.
  • Michael is rich. Alexis, on the other hand, is poor.
  • Michael is rich. By / In contrast, Alexis is poor.