Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;
“Synonym” means a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.
- The words “small” and “little” are synonyms
- The words “shut” and “close” are synonyms
- The words “incorrect” and “wrong” are synonyms
- The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” are synonyms
Example Sentences:
- This is a wrong answer. or This is an incorrect answer.
( these sentences have the same meaning )
- He is a brilliant scientist. or He is an intelligent scientist.
( these sentences have the same meaning )
To reach detailed synonym words starting with the letter M in English, follow the list;
Synonym Words With M | |
magnify | expand, enlarge, exaggerate |
mandatory | required, compulsory |
maneuver | manipulate, handle, scheme |
maximum | greatest, uppermost, highest |
meager | scanty, sparse, poor |
mean | unkind, malicious, nasty |
mediocre | fair, moderate, so-so |
mend | repair, fix |
migrant | drifting, traveling, transient |
militant | combative, aggressive, warlike |
minor | lesser, inferior, secondary |
mirth | merriment, fun, laughter |
mischievous | naughty, impish |
misfortune | hardship, catastrophe, mishap |
mobile | moveable, changeable |
moderate | temperate, lenient, medium |
momentous | important, powerful, outstanding |
monotonous | boring, tedious dreary, humdrum |
moral | ethical, virtuous, righteous |
morbid | appalling, awful, ghastly |
morose | gloomy, sullen, moody, glum |
mourn | grieve, lament, bemoan |
mysterious | elusive, occult, secret |