Sentences for Select, Sentences with Select Meaning and Synonym Words

Sentences for Select, Sentences with Select Meaning and Synonym Words



  • Carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.(transitive verb)
  • (of a group of people or things) carefully chosen from a larger number as being the best or most valuable.(adjective)
Verb(V1)Past Tense(V2)Past Participle(V3)

choose, pick, hand-pick, single out, pick out, sort out, take, opt for, decide on, settle on, set, fix, fix on, adopt, determine, designate, name, nominate, appoint, elect, specify, stipulate, prefer, favour, choice, hand-picked, carefully chosen, prime, first-rate, first-class, high-grade, grade A, superior, finest, best, high-quality, top-quality, top-class, A-list, supreme, superb, excellent, rare, prize, prize-winning, award-winning,

Example Sentences with select
  • Numbers are selected at random in a lottery.
  • Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.
  • Steve selected a Christmas gift for her.
  • Don’t forget, you’ve been selected.
  • Jason Roy, a cricketer, has been selected in the squad.
  • Alex was proud that he was selected by the people.
  • Jessica selected a hat to match her new dress.
  • Unfortunately, you can’t be that precise and selective.
  • Being in humaneness is good. If we select other goodness and thus are far apart from humaneness, how can we be the wise?
  • Design is not making beauty, beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration, love.
  • Beauty and fullness of tone can be achieved by having the whole orchestra play with high clarinets and a carefully selected number of piccolos.