There are various ways to express purpose or reason in English. One of them is “So As To”
Especially while writting English, we can use the structure of “so as to” to declare our goal or purpose. We can say that it is used to explain why an action is done. In this way, we connect two sentences each other.
- “so as to” is a conjunction ( a subordinating conjunction ) which is used to join two clauses. ( one of them expresses an action, the other expresses the purpose )
- “so as to” is used before the clause which indicates the purpose ( subordinating clause ).
- “so as to” is used with non-finite verbs in subordinate clauses ( this kind of clause can be called “non-finite clause” or “infinitive clause”).
- “so as to” is used if subjects of two clauses are the same.
- “so as to” can be used at the beginning of a sentence ( subordinate clause can come before main clause ).
A ( Main) Clause ( Action ) + So As To + A ( Infinitive ) Clause ( Purpose )
You can see many examples related to using “so as to” below;
- She will go to the cinema so as to watch the new movie.
- They made many plans so as to catch the thief.
- So as to solve the problem, I must understand the question.
- He looked at job advertisements so as to find a new job.
- So as to have a better position at work, I need to take a high score from the exam.
- We can use this structure so as to explain the purpose.
- David did everthing so as to meet her.
- So as to get a passport, firstly you should fill out the form on the website.
When we want to make infinitive clause negative or negative infinitive ( in other words, the negative form of “so as to” );
we use “so as not to”.
- We must burn more wood so as not to be cold.
- I put some signs in places I passed so as not to be lost.
Please pay attention to the position of “not” in the structure. “not” comes before “to”.
“so as to” can be used at the beginning of a sentence.
- So as to get a passport, firstly you should fill out the form on the website.
“so as to” is commonly used before stative verbs ( like be, have, know, appear, seem, understand, etc.).
- There’s no need to have much money so as to be happy
- You must have a reason so as to like study English.
For using “so that” to express purpose in english click here
For using “in order that” to express purpose in english click here
For using “in order to” to express purpose in english click here
For using “to” to express purpose in english click here
For “to” vs ” in order to” vs “so as to” click here