Educate Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Educate V1 V2 V3
- Give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone, especially a child), typically at a school or university.(transitive verb)
Verb(V1) | Past Tense(V2) | Past Participle(V3) |
educate | educated | educated |
Verb – es(Ves) | Verb – ing(Ving) |
educates | educating |
teach, school, tutor, instruct, coach, train, upskill, drill, prime, prepare, guide, inform, enlighten, edify, cultivate, develop, inculcate, indoctrinate, improve, better, uplift, elevate,
Example Sentences with educate
- Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.
- It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
- I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.
- Steve was educated by his grandfather.
- Frank was poorly educated.
- My brother was educated at a public school.
- My sister was educated by my grandfather.
- You can make an educated guess, can’t you?
- My denial and irresponsible attitude about asthma put me at great risk and caused me so much needless suffering. My hope is that the kids I talk to learn to open up about their asthma, become educated about their condition, and seek help.
- Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.
- An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious – just dead wrong.
- In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them.
- What we need are not prohibitory marriage laws, but a reformed society, an educated public opinion which will teach individual duty in these matters.