Surmise Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Surmise V1 V2 V3
- Suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.(verb)
- A supposition that something may be true, even though there is no evidence to confirm it.(noun)
Verb(V1) | Past Tense(V2) | Past Participle(V3) |
surmise | surmised | surmised |
Verb – es(Ves) | Verb – ing(Ving) |
surmises | surmising |
guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, infer, come to the conclusion, conclude, theorize, speculate, glean, divine, opinion, view, viewpoint, point of view, attitude, stance, stand, standpoint, position, perspective, contention, conviction, judgement, thinking, way of thinking, thought, idea, theory, hypothesis, thesis, interpretation, assumption, presumption, supposition, surmise, postulation, conclusion, deduction, inference, notion, impression, sense, feeling, fancy, hunch,
Example Sentences with surmise
He could only surmise what had happened.