Trust Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Trust V1 V2 V3

Trust Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Trust V1 V2 V3



  • Believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of.(transitive verb)
  • Allow credit to (a customer)(transitive verb)
  • Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.(noun)
Verb(V1)Past Tense(V2)Past Participle(V3)
Verb – es(Ves)Verb – ing(Ving)

have faith in, place one’s trust in, put one’s trust in, have confidence in, have every confidence in, believe in, pin one’s faith on, pin one’s hopes on, confidence, belief, faith, freedom from doubt, freedom from suspicion, sureness, certainty, certitude, assurance, conviction, credence, reliance, safe keeping, keeping, protection, charge, care, custody,

Example Sentences with trust

Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.

He’s certainly a very smart and sane man, you can trust him.

You ought to trust me.

I don’t trust many people.

He said he had trusted her very much.

He’ll set up a meeting with someone you absolutely trust.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith.

If a man has to say trust me, Gogu conveyed, it’s a sure sign you cannot.

I wouldn’t have trusted Steve either.

In God we trust; all others bring data.

I shouldn’t have trusted Steve.

Please, trust me, I most definitely can be cheerful. I can be amiable. Agreeable. Affable. And that’s only the A’s. Just don’t ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.

Trust is the most insidious of poisons. Trust sidesteps all of your precautions.

You can’t trust what she says.

Yeah. If friends could be in love, but not together. In sync, but out of touch. Willing to die for each other, but unable to trust.

We would have argued with him months ago if we didn’t trust him.

If we didn’t trust him we would have argued with him months ago.

I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.

My heart and my trust were in the process of collapsing. And that collapse created a vacuum in my chest.

I could never trust anyone who’s well adjusted to a sick society.

Steve betrayed Pam’s trust.