Differences Between “Talk To” and “Talk With”

What is the differences between them?

Talk to ? or Talk with?

Almost both have the same meaning which is having or holding or carrying on a conversation with one or more people. In reality, many native speakers use both interchangeably. We normally see more the use of ‘talk to’ instead of ‘talk with’.

You can use both of them which are the same. However; If you want to make a distinction between the two or if you have to make a distinction between the two, you can look at the point mentioned below; ( it’s rarely necessary to make such a strict distinction)

‘Talk to’:

Talk to’ sometimes can imply an one-sided conversation in a directing way about specific matter (s) and remaining with in the framework.

Generally, one person talks to other person or people to berate or to explain or to lecture or to warn or to direct or to explain, or to lecture, the others listen and approve it ( such as between a manager and an employee or between a teacher and students or between parents and their children, etc). We can also call this power differential.


  • David will talk to Tomy about the matter. ( Here, David will tell his concern about specific matter, and the talk will remain within framework.


  • May I talk to Mr. Daniel?
  • She doesn’t want to talk to you.
  • Look at me when I talk to you!
  • I’m going to talk to Susan when he comes home.
  • She ’ll talk to him at the earliest possible moment.
  • I think it’s time for me to talk to the boss about this problem.
  • The teacher talked to the students about their behaviours.
  • Could I talk to you about the meeting for a few minutes?
  • We have to talk to our child; she’s getting very lazy.

‘Talk with’:

‘Talk with’ sometimes can imply that two or more people speak with each other about something on equal terms with informative manner without emphasis on a certain topic, generally in an informal way. It is not necessary that the other (s) will acknowledge the point. İt is just talk about something and within the talk people may initiate new topics.

People take part in a conversation or a discussion together and sharing information.

The conversation or discussion is generally among peers, equals, or friend. So we can call this as conversation between equals.


  • Susan will talk with Marry concerning about the issues. ( she will bring things into Marry’s notice with no clear emphasis on the matter, putting no obligation for the response to be within framework.

    They can also talk about different topics.


  • I need someone to talk with.
  • Mary has nobody to talk with, but she doesn’t feel lonely.