Using Future Perfect Tense, Definitions and Examples. Follow the list for detailed expressions; The tenses simply show the time of an action.
Future Perfect Tense is used to express an action, expected to be completed before a certain time in the future.
The Future Perfect Tense is formed by putting “will have” before the past participle of the verb.
POSITIVE FORM (+) : Subject + WILL + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
NEGATIVE FORM (-) : Subject + WILL + NOT + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
QUESTION FORM (?) : WILL + Subject + HAVE + V3 ( third form of main verb – past participle )
I will have finished | I will not ( won’t) have finished | Will I have finished |
You will have finished | You will not ( won’t) have finished | Will you have finished |
He will have finished | He will not ( won’t) have finished | Will he have finished |
She will have finished | She will not ( won’t) have finished | Will she have finished |
It will have finished | It will not ( won’t) have finished | Will it have finished |
We will have finished | We will not ( won’t) have finished | Will we have finished |
You will have finished | You will not ( won’t) have finished | Will you have finished |
They will have finished | They will not ( won’t) have finished | Will they have finished |
For “WILL”;
will –> ‘ll Ex: I‘ll have finished.
will not –> won’t Ex: I won’t have finished.
Common Tense Markers:
By the time / By tomorrow, next week, five o’clock,etc. / By that time / Before / Until / Till
- When my father comes home, my mother will have read me a story.
- Susan will have been ready by the time I get home.
- The plane will have landed by that time.
- Tom will not ( won’t ) have received enough score by the summer.
- They’ll have relaxed by night.
- Will you have graduated from the university before I graduate?
- By next week, we‘ll have earned lots of money.
- I will have prepared breakfast by the time the children wake up.
- The rain’ll have stopped by tomorrow.
- They won’t have been maried by next year.
- By that time I will have finished my homework.
- Will David have learned all information about this job by May?
We use other question words ( Like Who, What, Why , etc.) in future perfect tense.
Question Words (who, what, why, etc.) + will + subject + have + V3
- When will you have finished reading the book?
- Why will he have retired before January?
- How will we have learned this subject by tomorrow morning?
1. Future Perfect Tense is used to express an action, which will have finished or completed before a certain( or specific ) time in the future.
- You will have graduated from high school by July.
- By 5 o’clock, I will have finished my work.
- They will have sent an email until tomorrow.
- People’s lives will have changed by ten years.
- We will have arrived in China by the next week.
- The concert will have started by 2o minutes.
2. It is used to express an action, which will have finished or completed before another action in the future.
- She will have cooked dinner by the time we arrive.
- I will have seen him before the police comes.
- By the time Alice reads this, John will have gone to London.
- The children will have slept by the time we arrive at home.
- By the time he gets home, the exam will have finished.
3. It is used to express an action which began before and will continue up until another action in the future. ( Duration in the future with Non-Continuous-Verbs )
( * It express an action that starts before and continues up to another action or time in the future. In such sentences, It is emphasized that how long the action has continued. )
( *We use Future Perfect Tense with stative verbs / non-continuous verbs / mixed verbs in such sentences)
( *”for” is used with time in such sentences )
- They will have been in California for 10 years by the time they retired.
- By the next week, we will have been married for 20 years.
“Future Perfect Tense” is not used with “Time Clauses”.
Time Clauses have two clauses which are main clause and time clause. Time clause is the clause beginning with time words ( when, after, before, by the time, etc. ). We do not use future tenses in time clause.
- When I return home, My mother will have prepared lunch. ( not when I will… )
- By the time we call him, he will have left the building. ( not by the time we will… )
- Until Steven comes, they will have finished the presentation. ( not until Steven will… )
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