Sentences for Faint, Sentences with Faint Meaning and Synonym Words

Sentences for Faint, Sentences with Faint Meaning and Synonym Words



  • Lose consciousness for a short time because of a temporarily insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain.(intransitive verb)
  • A sudden loss of consciousness.(noun)
  • (of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible.(adjective)
Verb(V1)Past Tense(V2)Past Participle(V3)

pass out, lose consciousness, fall unconscious, black out, collapse, blackout, fainting fit, loss of consciousness, collapse, indistinct, vague, unclear, indefinite, ill-defined, obscure, imperceptible, hardly noticeable, hardly detectable, unobtrusive, dizzy, giddy, light-headed, muzzy, weak, weak at the knees, unsteady, shaky, wobbly, off-balance, reeling,

Example Sentences with faint
  • George W. Bush choked on a pretzel and fainted.
  • There is no scent so pleasant to my nostrils as that faint, subtle reek which comes from an ancient book.
  • The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants and he must have a very faint perception of its beauty and dignity who does not know this.