Prefer Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Prefer V1 V2 V3

Prefer Verb 1 2 3, Past and Past Participle Form Tense of Prefer V1 V2 V3



  • Like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose.(transitive verb)
  • Submit (a charge or a piece of information) for consideration.(transitive verb)
  • Promote or advance (someone) to a prestigious position.(transitive verb)
Verb(V1)Past Tense(V2)Past Participle(V3)
Verb – es(Ves)Verb – ing(Ving)

like better, would rather, would rather have, would sooner, would sooner have, favour, be more partial to, incline towards, lean towards, think preferable, bring, press, file, lodge, tender, present, place, lay, submit, put forward, proffer, offer, propose, promote, upgrade, advance, raise, move up, elevate, aggrandize,

Example Sentences with prefer

I really enjoyed that movie. Nevertheless, I prefer the book.

We must prefer renewable energy.

I really enjoyed that movie.  However, I prefer the book.

Do you prefer to go by train or bus?

Often, he preferred to spend time at home and rest.

Where do you usually prefer to spend the winter months?

prefer traveling on my own.

prefer spring to summer.

prefer to remain seated.

prefer bicycle to motorcycle.

Do we prefer drinking tea to coffee ?

They would prefer you coming tomorrow.

prefer working to doing nothing.

prefer rice to bread.

prefer riding to walking.

Which do you prefer, white wine or red wine?

Do you prefer meat or fish?

prefer walking to cycling.

The truth doesn’t always set you free; people prefer to believe prettier, neatley wrapped lies.

For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.

Normally he used to drink tea every morning, but today he preferred coffee.

60.I really enjoyed that movie. Nevertheless, I prefer the book.

They might come to school, but they preferred to travel.

I would prefer not to work from home.

Would you prefer to stay or go?

prefer the color blue to any other. The scent of lilacs in your hair is a source of constant torment.

Do you prefer a male or female doctor?

I’m bilingual, speaking English and body language. I prefer the latter, because I can speak it silently and without listening and while my back is turned.

George is a nocturnal hunter who prefers to do his hunting in the evening.

Of the two choices, I prefer the latter.