Synonym Word with I


Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;

Synonym” means a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.


  • The words “small” and “little” are synonyms
  • The words “shut” and “close” are synonyms
  • The words “incorrect” and “wrong” are synonyms
  • The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” are synonyms

Example Sentences:


  • This is a wrong answer. or This is an incorrect answer.

          ( these sentences have the same meaning )


  • He is a brilliant scientist. or He is an intelligent scientist.

          ( these sentences have the same meaning )

To reach detailed synonym words starting with the letter I in English, follow the list;

Synonym Words With I
identicalalike, duplicate
idleinactive, lazy
ignorantuninformed, unaware
immaculatespotless, pure
immaturechildish, inexperienced
immuneresistant, exempt
impartialneutral, unbiased, fair
impatienteager, anxious, intolerant
imperativecompulsory, crucial, mandatory
imperfectmarred, defective, faulty
impetuousimpulsive, rash, reckless
importantsignificant, meaningful
independentself-reliant, autonomous
inferiorlesser, substandard
infuriateenrage, agitate, provoke
ingeniousclever, creative, original
innocentguiltless, blameless
insanecrazy, deranged, mad
insufficientinadequate, deficient
intelligentbright, sensible, rational
interestingprovocative, engrossing
intermittentsporadic, periodic
internalinner, inside
intolerantbigoted, prejudiced
intriguingfascinating, enthralling
irrelevantinappropriate, unrelated
irritateannoy, agitate, provoke