Sentences for Correct, Sentences with Correct Meaning and Synonym Words
- Put right (an error or fault)(transitive verb)
- Free from error; in accordance with fact or truth.(adjective)
Verb(V1) | Past Tense(V2) | Past Participle(V3) |
correct | corrected | corrected |
Verb-es(Ves) | Verb-ing(Ving) |
corrects | correcting |
rectify, put right, set right, right, amend, emend, remedy, redress, cure, square, make good, improve, better, ameliorate, repair, revise, alter, edit, rewrite, redraft, rescript, reword, rework, right, accurate, true, veracious, exact, precise, unerring, faithful, strict, faultless, flawless, errorless, error-free, perfect, word-perfect, scrupulous, meticulous,
Example Sentences with correct
- Steve corrected himself.
- Can you correct the problem?
- In my opinion, Steve is correct.
- You must correct this mistake you made.
- She’s correct for sure.
- Alex politely corrected me.
- You are absolutely correct.
- Everything he says is correct.
- Did you read the sign correctly?
- Please correct that.