Sentences for Maintain, Sentences with Maintain Meaning and Synonym Words

Sentences for Maintain, Sentences with Maintain Meaning and Synonym Words



  • Cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.(transitive verb)
  • Provide with necessities for life or existence.(transitive verb)
  • State something strongly to be the case; assert.(transitive verb)
Verb(V1)Past Tense(V2)Past Participle(V3)

continue, keep, keep going, keep up, keep alive, keep in existence, carry on, preserve, conserve, prolong, perpetuate, sustain, bolster, bolster up, prop up, retain, support, bear, support, provide for, keep, finance, insist, insist on, declare, assert, protest, state, aver, say, announce, affirm, avow, profess, claim, allege, contend, argue, swear, swear to, hold to,

Example Sentences with maintain
  • Alex couldn’t maintain his authority.
  • You are evidence of your mother’s strength, especially if you are a rebellious knucklehead and regardless she has always maintained her sanity.
  • The smoke alarm has never been maintained.
  • I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.