Author: admin
Follow the detailed list;
Contrast Connector List;
Collocations with take, go, make, have, do, get, go, catch, pay, miss, lost, break, come, save ,keep. Please follow the list for Common Collocations in English;
Follow the list; > I like it. > I love it. > I adore it. > It sounds great / good. > It looks great. > It looks good. …
Homophone means pronounced the same as another word. However the words which are homophones have different meanings and/or spellings.
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something. There are different kinds of adjectives in English. Adjectives can be gradable and non-gradable ( extreme adjectives ).
Meaning: used to tell someone that you are grateful because they have given you something or done something for you.
Unlike Irregular Verbs, Regular Verbs are in a certain order and are very easy to use. They usually end with the “ed” tag, so we can see that when …
There are Regular and Irregular Verbs in English. Regular verbs take the suffix “-ed” when expressing a past event.
The tenses simply show the time of an action.