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Present Continuous Tense in Future Meaning ( For Plans or Arrangements ) The present continuous tense is used for plans or arrangements related with future. In other words, the tense …
1. “Will” is used to make prediction. There is no evidence. It is just our personal opinion.
The tenses simply show the time of an action. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE Simple Future Tense is used to construct sentences about future time ( time after now ).
1. KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS Keyboard instruments are musical instruments that are played by means of a keyboard. a. Accordian
USING “a” AND “an” “a” and “an” are the same article which is “ indefinite article”. Although they are used for same purpose in a sentence, there are some …
This post include countries ( names of countries ), their natinalities, adjectives ( used for these countries ), people ( people from these countries ) and languages ( spoken languages …
ARTICLES: While we are using nouns in English, we sometimes feel the need to use some additions to them/ before them.
SYNONYM WORDS STARTING WITH THE LETTER – D Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;
SYNONYM WORDS STARTING WITH THE LETTER – C Synoynm words in English. Please follow the list;