Author: admin
This post include expressing opinion types for different situations. For example; discussions, conference, composition, writing an essay etc… Please follow the list for expressions and examples;
This post include using both in different types. Both … and …, both … of and etc… Follow the detailed expressions and example sentences;
This post include beginner level english vocabulary and their opposite. Please follow the list;
This post include telephone conversation examples in English. Please follow the list for detailed expressions and examples;
GET THE WORD OF THE DAY – GET; Using, Definition and Example Sentences.
Using The Present Continuous Tense, Definitions and Examples. Follow the list for detailed expressions;
Using, Definition and Examples; Look ahead, Look forward to, Look round, Look after, Look to, Look through, Look back, Look up, Look for, Look in, Look on, Look out. …
Using, Definition and Examples; Put away, put off, put by, put (sb) down, put (sb) through, put on, put up with. Follow the list;
GET THE WORD OF THE DAY – MAKE; Using, Definition and Example Sentences.
Synonym words related to beautiful; good-looking, graceful, alluring, lovely, elegant and etc… Please follow the list for synonym words, meanings and examples;